Dental Hygienist Services at Amesbury Dental Care


Our aim here at Amesbury Dental Care is to help you achieve healthy teeth and gums

Our friendly team is committed to the prevention of dental diseases. Regular appointments with our Hygienist can help to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. 

What happens at our Dental Hygienist appointment

  • You will be advised on the best oral hygiene techniques to prevent decay and gum problems. This will be tailored advice specifically for you on the best brushing technique to use and the most suitable interdental cleaning aids
  • Your gums will be screened for any signs of gum disease and advice on further treatment will be provided if necessary
  • Your teeth will be cleaned of plaque and calculus (hard plaque) using the latest techniques in the most gentle and effective ways possible. With care being taken that you are as comfortable as possible throughout
  • You will be advised on the best recall for Dental Hygiene appointments for your needs. This could be every 6-12 months for relatively well maintained teeth and gums. Or 3-4 monthly for mouths which are more susceptible to oral diseases


Air polish Dental stain removal treatment.

What is air polish stain removal treatment?

This is the most up to date and effective treatment for tooth stain removal.

The system uses a high pressure powder spray to remove not only plaque but stain too.
















Amesburydentalcare, Unit 1 , Stonehende walk , Amesbury , salsibury , SP47DB , 01980623004. Neeraj Parson trading as Amesburydentalcare is credit broker not a lender .


Amesbury Dental Care

Unit 1,Stonehenge Walk   





Opening hours

​Monday            09.00 - 17.30

Tuesday           09.00 - 17.30.

Wednesday       09.00 - 19.30

Thursday          09.00 - 17.30

Friday              08.00 - 16.30

Saturday          09.00 - 13.00 

Monday to Thursday we are closed between 13.00 and 14.00

Fridays we are closed between 12.00 and 13.00


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